Now times take different looks and with the change of the time, taste and ways of the acceptability takes a different look as well. But gold is gold and it does not take any other color with the passing of time. After a lapses of years, it remains as bright as anything. Yes, we are speaking of the very golden time of 80s tribute bands. The group played through their enchanting musical touch that still remains to our heart like anything and continue to knock our heart as before. 80s tribute band or in other terms a Tribute Group is a sort of musical group comprising of musicians and singers who were specifically used to play the very music art , a sort of art that one should possess. Songs are nowadays quite different in comparison to the songs of previous era. Songs of early eighties and late eighties are the land mark towards development of the musical scenario. They were actually the pioneer in this tract of musical world.
The essence they spread over the songs is still a matter which can anyway be affected to the memory. There was one time when people used to listen songs without having any extra instruments and adhered to it. Later on, with the passing of time this very scenario has been changed and men no longer are inclined to normal classic songs rather they seem to be more inclined to pop music where a group of singers render songs with the application of so many instruments. With a simple alteration, a sort of variations has also been occurred to the mind of the music lover. But we see that as time elapses men are no more adhere to pop songs rather they show themselves a sort of unwillingness and an indifferent outlook towards such band music. Rather audiences are now very much prone to classical music. Once upon a time say in the era or 80's tribute band in San Francisco used to capture the heart of the audience that was a period of launching of the world’s greatest rock star and at that time their performance simply maddened every audience of the era . Those are the things that remain to our mind as a residual of the glittering memories which are supposed to last for years to come. Such was a period then whose songs not only knocked our heart with all its thrilled melodies but also opened an era musical realm.

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